2025 Special Silver Anniversary
“In every imaginable aspect of life…throughout the entire history of man…nothing is more potent or compelling than the instinctive human desire to transcend the ordinary.”
—David Wilson, ToneQuest Founder Emeritus
Much of the energy expended to verbify the promise of life-changing tone in print is driven by the wheel of industry and its voracious appetite for grease. Flip through any guitar magazine today, and you’ll find more heady promises of pending timbral epiphanies than ever before. We have never had more choices, yet the lines that distinguish truly meaningful differences among similar products continue to blur beyond comprehension. To make a difference, there must be a difference—one that inspires you as a musician in a tangible, lasting way.
This was the essence of our vision when TQR launched in November 1999—to find and describe gear worth owning, players worth hearing, and to do it in an entertaining, self-effacing, and irreverent voice. “Sound better, play better” is only half the story—the Quest for Tone should be fun.
With sincere gratitude, we honor ToneQuest founder emeritus David Wilson and the dear friends we’ve lost. As we reflect on a collection of greatest hits from past issues, we invite you to continue your ToneQuest journey—exploring, learning, and shaping your own voice.
And together, we Quest forth…