Resource Directory

SOUND BETTER PLAY BETTER®It’s been more than just our motto for 25 years, it’s a fact, and no other resource on the guitar offers you proven, time-tested, real-world guidance in your personal quest for the mighty fine note. Our unbiased gear reviews promise to reveal simple solutions for the challenges you face as a guitarist, from electric and acoustic guitar reviews, to evaluations of pickups, amplifiers, effects, and revealing interviews with accomplished pro players who have made the journey. No other resource on the guitar delivers the essential guidance provided by TQR, backed by our unconditional guarantee.

The companies you’ll find in our Resource Directory of Recommended Suppliers are also dedicated to helping you sound your very best. Please review their listings and know that they are poised to assist you in crafting your very own signature tone with both stellar products and timely service.

Sound Better, Play Better®… More than just our motto, it’s our promise. Quest forth and Enjoy!

These exceptional companies are poised to meet and exceed your expectations in providing sound advice and innovative products. Quest forth with the capable assistance of these excellent suppliers.

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