Sound Better Play Better ®

Finding you unique, Signature Tone, is a profoundly important personal journey that is incredibly complex, time-consuming, needlessly hit or miss, and often very expensive. Sure, we’ve all made our share of mistakes using trial and error to choose the instruments that define our Tone. We’ve bought cool guitars that didn’t meet our expectations, amps that were anything but tone machines, curiously disappointing “killer” effects and pickups, speakers, tubes, and other accessories that couldn’t just cut it.

Why is the Quest for Tone so difficult?

Today, more than ever, we’re simply confronted with too many risky choices. And in truth, it’s finding the right combinations of guitars, amps, amp modifications, tubes, speakers, effects, and mic placements that defines the art and science of achieving Signature Tone. Given the complexity of the task, it’s easy to understand why thousands of frustrated guitarists are trying to unload their “experiments” as you read this… and while countless more will burn expensive studio time searching “Killer Tone on tape.” We know, we’ve done it! Finally there’s a better way to achieve your Quest for Signature Tone…

No commercial agenda means independent, unbiased, expert advice you can trust.

You may be wondering why The ToneQuest Report® accepts no advertising. Well, as Bob Dylan wrote, “You’re gonna have to serve somebody.” And our sole interest in publishing The ToneQuest Report® is to serve you. Doing so allows us to maintain a passionate dedication to providing you with straight truth without worrying about attracting or losing advertisers. You can rely on The ToneQuest Report® for a complete lack of bias, because we aren’t selling— just telling.

“Vintage” or “New” doesn’t always mean “better.”

There’s a lot of rattle and hum about “vintage gear” these days, and a lot of money is changing hands in the sale of rare instruments, amps, NOS tubes, pickups, effects, speakers— you name it. Well, we love owning, admiring, and playing the classics as much as anyone, but lately, the term “vintage” seems to increasingly be used by some as a substitute for “expensive.” There are still deals to be had on truly desirable gear and at the same time, production standards and the selection of new guitars and amps have generally never been better. But are you really confident knowing how to spot a “vintage” bargain? Are all “boutique” products worth their price tags? Which “reissue” products really deserve your consideration? Hard choices abound— vintage or new? And most importantly— why? Every issue of The ToneQuest Report® will give you the upside and the downside to the major decisions that can give any play sweaty palms. You’ll learn what to buy and how to use it, straight from the Pros Who Know!

It’s your money. It’s your Tone. Choose wisely the first time with The ToneQuest Report®

Editorial Advisory Board: The Pros Who Know

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